new digital coins based on the Ethereum blockchain

What is 2Ether? Belguso
2Ether is a new digital coin based on the Ethereum blockchain. Unlike ERC20 tokens, this is a fully independent cryptocurrency - with its own blockchain, mining incentives, and so on. It fully supports smart contracts written in Solidity and is compatible with Ethereum dApps.
The 2Ether team has several main objectives:
Encourage independent CPU / GPU miners
and protect it from mining land dominance using ASIC hardware. This is very important now because the award block on Ethereum has been cut by one third, and market prices are still quite low. Mining Ethereum stopped profitable, pushing small miners out of the market. We realize that inflation can be a problem for any digital currency, so prizes must be reduced over time. But it is not true that ASIC agriculture survives in any market conditions thanks to its economies of scale, while GPU miners suffer. 2Ether solves this problem thanks to an innovative dynamic gift block system. Basic rewards gradually decrease with time. At the same time, this is dynamically adjusted for current prices. Finally,
Provides affordable audit tools for dApp developers.
A smart contract audit is very important, because it helps protect investor funds. Unfortunately, blockchain security companies charge very high fees for even the simplest audits, and many of these companies do not provide quality services. At 2Ether, the project can submit a free audit request - a combination of automated testing and manual reporting, which is carried out by specially inspected community members. There are also full paid audits with line-by-line analysis and several reports.
Make the IEO platform integrated with decentralized exchange
and audit system. IEO is very popular and will probably replace ICO. They are much safer, because the project is inspected first instead. However, exchanges often cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for ICO, without guaranteeing success. 2Ether will offer a decentralized IEO platform where the community carries out all project evaluations, and all costs are distributed among users. It is possible to set up and launch IEO in just a few days. New tokens will be registered on the other decentralized 2Ether exchanges. Before IEO, projects could order smart contract audits on the same platform.
How 2Ether will change the IEO market
2Ether will launch a special platform for IEO that is fast and very affordable. This will be integrated with decentralization, and the initial bidding process itself will be automated and decentralized. The whole procedure will take only a few days. Because there will be no centralized transfer running the process, the project does not need to pay exorbitant fees to register their tokens.
Here are the key steps:
1) Registration:
Need detailed information about the project, its use, tokenomics, jurisdiction, website, presentation (pitch deck), social media channels, and GitHub pages; smart token contracts must also be provided;
2) discuss team members:
full name, short bios, link to Linkedin profile and Twitter account;
3) Uploading documents:
White Paper, Technical Paper, one-pager, business plan, financial model;
4) Payment of the initial application fee (around $ 100);
Costs allocated to users verifying projects. Next, the project creator needs to question a certain amount of ET2 (equivalent to $ 1000-2000, depending on project approval and IEO conditions). This bet is released immediately after IEO.
5) All files and information become visible to the whole 2Ether community;
6) Community members evaluate the material provided and assess them.
Members who agree to a special contract. Each rank gets its own hash, which is recorded on the blockchain. Payments rank as transactions where the amount sent is zero. Each user who leaves the rating will be given an ET2 token.
7) The total project rating is calculated.
Projects that score above 1000 points (this figure can be improved in the future) If certain project features appear to be highly responded to, users can request red marks, asking other network members to request further. If it is proven to be false, it is rejected, even if a large point is obtained.
8) The project receives responses about the results of verification.
Application fees cannot be refused, even if the project is rejected.
9) Projects that want to get access to the IEO dashboard, where they can adjust their token offerings.
Dimensions to determine the number of rounds, the price of one token in each round, discounts or bonuses, payment methods accepted (ET2, ETH or all), the number of tokens offered at each round, duration, start and end dates, list token dates, etc.
10) Based on the information provided,
IEO costs are calculated based on a special formula. In general, the more funds you want to collect, the higher the cost. However, total costs will be much lower than centralized allocation.
11) IEO is registered in the system,
and information about that needs to be on the platform. The project can also choose to start their IEO immediately and last for weeks or even months. Sometimes it is permitted to list the date of the token in the IEO period. In this case, the token can be sold while the initial token sale is still active. Of course, this can mean additional projects if the price of a token replacement.
12) When the start date from IEO comes,
the token will be available in the IEO section of the platform. All funds collected will accumulate in a special IEO wallet protected by multisig technology. This means that the IEO compilation is running, the founders won't be able to help themselves with money. Other private keys for the wallet will be allocated to added network members. The amount will be high enough to exclude collusion with the founders.
13) At the end of each IEO round,
the collected funds will be removed from the wallet (after the required signatures are collected). The remaining portion of costs is deducted from the total amount. This fee is also issued among users who carry out verification and full changes. Some of the costs are transferred to the 2Ether development fund.
14) Funds are transferred to the project wallet.
This process is repeated in the next round. If you need to decide further about additional funds on the phone (for example, a few months later), don't use all the initial information again. MVP or whatever has been done since the last IEO).
Our mission
We choose the best community ideas and make them happen to build a framework that can be developed by the most promising miners, developers and infrastructure projects.
What's so special about 2Ether?
Use the new data analysis algorithm to gather the best insights, improvement suggestions, and startups. Thanks to 2Ether, you can start IEO and get funding for your ideas in just two days.
2 Nobody promises instant transfers at unacceptable transfer speeds or proof of ownership and other technologies that do not yet exist. Instead, it provides solutions to real network problems and uses cases that are easy to implement.
- • Gift blocking for miners continues to decline
- • IEO fundraising is too expensive and unreliable
- • Audit services available have a low quality / price ratio.
- • Most of the funds raised are used for listing, not development
The solution
- • dynamic and specific rewards for missions;
- • Automatic IEO platform with direct registration
- • Smart crowdsourcing and free AI contract audits
- • Basic decentralized exchange without registration fees
Innovative features
2Ether provides a convenient low-cost launchpad for startups that promises and rewards all users who benefit from the network.
Real to be used in real world business
The key to 2Ether's market strategy is building partnerships with global and regional crypto payment gateways and online businesses - eCommerce stores, game platforms, crowdfunding sites, and so on.
Free audit of smart contracts
For projects that are setting up IEO, smart contract auditing is an important step. Send audits to potential investors for their secure funds. Unfortunately, blockchain agencies require huge costs for contract audits - and don't always provide reliable results.
Full IEO automation
The initial exchange offer has replaced ICO as the preferred fundraising method. Unfortunately, that quickly turned into an industry. Large exchanges cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to launch IEO - and do not guarantee success.
2 other DEX
We have designed 2EtherDEX to get the best of both worlds. It offers fully automated on-chain order execution and protection against bullets against hacker attacks.
Details about ET2 tokens
- Symbol: ET2
- Blockchain: 2Ether (originally from Ethereum)
- Decimal: 18
- Mining algorithm: Proof of work with incentives for CPU / GPU miners
- Average block time: 60 seconds
Project Deadline
We don't promise anything we can't fulfill.
Our short road map only presents features that are easy to create and will benefit the entire community.
Q2 2019
Team formation & ideas
Q3 2019
Planning & coding forks
Q4 2019
Launch network & Prize campaign
Q1 2020
Launch of decentralization
Q2 2020
2Ether Wallet 2.0
release & gateway integration
Q3 2020
A crowdsourced introduction
smart contract audit
Q4 2020
Implementation of
The first IEO and IEO platforms
Q1 2021
AI algorithm for audit contracts
Q2 2021
Audit of contracts based on AI
and IEO evaluation
For more information, please visit the project's official link below:
link: : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2648948
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