GLBrain is the next generation of Internet management, social networking and marketing platforms

Times always change, so do marketing trends. Marketing trends always develop following technological developments. More for online business owners who are certain more than all marketing activities take place in cyberspace. Marketing channels or marketing channels that can be used by online business owners are many and varied. One big opportunity is marketing through social media for online businesses.
Some people think of using negative social media, one of which is increasing daily productivity.
Actually for this problem depends on the point of view and also how to use social media.
Social media is a medium for socializing with each other and done online that allows humans to be allowed without space and time.
This social media presence is important to increase visitors to your online business website. Where your website uses online business media and social media functions as marketing. Simply put, social media is a bridge that directs people to visit the online website that you run.
With so much potential in marketing your online business through social networks, you cannot jump right into that vast marketing. The communication strategies needed to make this social networking market necessary and efficient.
Social media is one of the most effective ways to market your online business. Through social media, you can look for more people to find the products you offer that can be accessed with other advertising media. Awareness of the importance of social media for the growth of your online business will increasingly open opportunities to grow and attract more consumers.
Managing social media in online business can be challenging and requires a lot of time. Before starting management, make all members of the management team make this work a priority.
This commitment is a reminder for team members of their great responsibility because social media is a bridge for customers to come to your business online.
How Does GLB Differ?
GLB is a utility coin that is ready to use in the Network. GLBrain offers a 20% discount on all prices.
A maximum of 300 Million GLB has been made out of which 12.4% will be offered in 3 phases of presales and 27.6% will be offered during 3 phases There are no side risks because GLBrain can be spent with a 20% discount for GLBrain.
The full upside potential for services that are priced fiat and higher GLBrain values will pay for more services at GLBrain
Revolutionizing Online Community Management
GLBrain is a new age solution for online community management, digital marketing, content sharing and communication services. Its technology and revolutionary features provide privacy agreement and control of data along with total trust and approval.
GLBrain is the next generation of online community management, social networking and marketing platforms.
With features needed for all types of online communities that provide from private users and small to medium-sized businesses using standard features, to large organizations and communities that benefit from solutions that made specifically on a larger scale.
Based on Chaincode, Hyperchain and Blockchain Technology
Provides scalability, privacy & data control systems, customized community management solutions and blockchain technology to make secure and independent records of all agreements, transactions or certifications made on the network.
Online Community Content and Management Section from GLBrain
Present yourself, create and manage your online community. Create or read content, social movements, and polls, or follow special authors. Read all content in your own language.
Online Malls for Products, Services, Jobs and Real Estate
Create your online Mall Profile and publish your offer. Unique geographical selection and transaction attributes help the process of searching and advertising.
Communication section of GLBrain
Communicate with your friends in your own language, post pictures and share all posts to all of your other social networks while experiencing guaranteed privacy and no ads.

Development of Back-end Chaincode Systems
Development of Hyperchain Systems
Development of Blockchain Technology Development of Ledgers
Internal Acceptance
Archiving International Patents
Agreements and orientation of the first large community
50,000+ registered users
300,000 + monthly viewers
Allocation of Funds Future
Marketing for management online community at all levels
Running IEO / STO GLOrain Campaign
Expanding server capacity
Building specific online marketing tools to disrupt rural marketing in India and Africa
Building Smart ERL Ledger agreements and mobile wallets
Expansion of technical and marketing teams
Build custom token solutions for specific customers such as local online market places, NGOs, or coins that will be used to help achieve SDG (Sustainable Development Goals).
GLBrain feature
- GLBrain Online Content and Community Management Section: Show yourself, create and face your online network. Create or read content, social developments, and surveys or enter extraordinary authors. Peruse all substances in your own language.- Online Malls for Products, Services, Jobs and Real Estate: Create your online Mall Profile and distribute your offer. One type of approval and publication of soil characteristics.
- GLBrain correspondence section: Talk to your friends in your own language, post pictures and give all prizes in your other informal communities while looking for available permits and no publications.
GLB is a utility coin prepared for use in the GLBrain Network that allows a 20% price reduction for all prices. The most extreme 300 Million GLBs have been made of which 12.4% will be offered in 3 stages of presales and 27.6% will be offered during the 3 phases of the Initial Exchange Offering no further expansion. There is no chance of weakness because GLBrain can generally be passed with a 20% reduction in GLBrain. The potential is fully reversed because administration is evaluated in fiat and a higher GLBrain estimate will pay more administration in GLBrain.
If you need to buy GLB coins through the Initial Offer, at that time just follow this method:
- If you don't have a wallet at the moment, you can get it Compatible with compatible with compatible applications on compatible Windows / Android or your Mac PC.
- When your wallet is created, you can utilize your open location to get your GLB. This launch: TLu8em6bfJgXqNhuRposR2sUsZyUW48RUj
- Now please decide to use You will use cash or crypto to pay your GLB with GLBrain starting trade offer. If you decide to pay in fiat, if there aren't too many difficulties using a connection in Step 4. If you decide to pay in crypto, if there aren't too many difficulties using a connection under Step 5.
- For fiat installments, it would be ideal if you enter the amount that must be purchased by GLB and you will see the cost in Euros. For Presales the base amount will be 200 €. At the moment it meets the address of your open wallet and after tolerating the requirements, you will be transferred to mPay24 and can use all significant Master Cards. After the transfer is complete, the coin will be moved to your wallet.
- For crypto installments, please enter your name and email, and unlock your wallet and decide for payment with BitCoin, Ethereum, Tether or Dash - all bids on GLBrain start searching for trades. For Presales Sticks, the base amount to be issued is around € 200. At that point enter the crypto size that you need to remove and ask for work. You will send GLB with genuine incentives to your wallet. You will also get an email that is approved for your purchase and the amount of GLBrain you get.

Coin Prices The
prices of coins during individual sales events are set as follows:
● Base price of coins: 0,10 €
● IEO: 80 million coins with 0,10 € - discounts less than 15%, 10% and 5% in 3 phases of IEO
● Total funds expected to be raised in IEO after deducting costs: 5,300,000 USD
Use of Funds
Funds collected during the ICO campaign will be targeted at:
● 65%: Marketing and community expansion
● 15%: WTO
● 10%: Blockchain integration, development ERL, hardware, software
● 10%:
Coin Allocation Staff
● Total Coin Supply: 300,000,000
● Basic coin price: 0.1
● Presales: 37.2 Million GLB
● Phase 1 Price: 0.06
● Phase 2 Price : 0.07
● Phase 3 Price: 0.08
● IEO: 82.8 Million GLB
● Phase 1 Price: 0.085
● Phase 2 Price: 0.09
● Phase 3 Price: 0.095 2012
Road map ● Start with the project

● Join a development agreement with John Nesbitt University
● Globra Foundation FZ-LLC
● Globra Foundation GmbH
● trademark registration
2014 back-end development
● Globra doo Foundation
● Hire key staff
2015 back-end
development ● Front-end development
● Launch of GLBrain
● Launch of MyLife
● Launch of GLMall
● Integrated community administration function
2017 first mobile approach
● Hyperchain development
● Sahaj project, India
● GLBrain +
2018 product development ● Blockchain
● Patent application
● UN Coin Agreement
● GLBrain, India
Ath Saathi Project, India
● GLB Coin and wallet
● IEO Whitepaper and landing page
^ Ayi + Project, Haiti
● Completion of IEO
● STO Campaign
● Implementation of secret agreements
● Coins and United Nations projects
● Books Large External Acceptance

1. Dr. Wolfgang Pinegger - CEO
2. Carolin Pinegger - Chief Marketing Officer
3. Dr. Carlo Maragliano - Head of the Blockchain Team
4. Vladimir Povolny - Head of the Development Team
5. Djordie Susic - Main Developer
6. Alexander Sofranac - Art Director
1. Dr. Evan Luthra
2. Herbert Sim
3. Dr. Walter Schwimmer - Advisor and Mentor
4. Prof. Dr. Dr. Stefan Brunnhuber -
Conclusion Counselor In
my opinion, the GLBrain project looks promising, because it solves serious problems related to social networking. I think if the team continues to work at the same pace, then the project has every chance of being successful.
Contact details
Whitepaper: .pdff
by; radikha
link: :;u=2648948
Ethereum address:0x694C12eAE6DE6d0d921080cBE7Ff8746803e82d9
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