Advanced cryptocurrency mining is carried out in an environmentally responsible manner
The Iiris Hydrogen Arc Ecosystem is the first mining project in the world to protect the environment through a unique energy concept, making bitcoin mining not only very profitable, but also environmentally friendly through the use of innovative technology, utilizing the forces of nature.
Arc Iris aims to carry out the next generation integrated project for sophisticated cryptocurrency mining which is carried out in an environmentally responsible manner. This will provide a safe long-term investment with reverse cryptocurrency exposure, but safe against cryptocurrency volatility by ensuring the lowest operating costs. This project envisages utilizing Hydrogen technology to power cryptocurrency miners. We create cost-efficient and efficient cryptocurrency mining facilities with a strong infrastructure backbone. Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin mining will be powered by Hydrogen energy with best and sustainable practices.
The cryptocurrency mining industry has been revolutionary and extraordinary in its formation years since the launch of Bitcoin in 2009. Mining can be done using a variety of processing equipment depending on the type of currency and mining algorithm and the protocol they follow. Bitcoin requires very powerful equipment such as ASIC devices that can produce enough processing power to mine it profitably. However, each type of cryptocurrency mining requires large processing power, and the utilization of large amounts of energy simultaneously.

Using our unique, Smart Mining Cloud Facility That Is Cost Effective And No Threat To Our Environment! Join Us Today And Get Started With Free Power Hashes!
Industry and Market Overview The
cryptocurrency mining industry has been revolutionary and remarkable in its formation years since the launch of Bitcoin in 2009. As the mining industry moves towards the maturity phase, its future looks bright and full of extraordinary developments. However, operating costs, especially energy consumption, are a key consideration for the entire cryptocurrency mining industry.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i07y20_6Yss?feature=player_embedded]
On our planet, there are always the most diverse cycles and events, which are partly triggered by nature itself, but also by its inhabitants and individuals, who themselves experience development. In the history of the past two centuries, humans have triggered an industrial revolution that has put the planet's resources in a critical situation.
Many of these resources have now reached their natural ends, they are exhausted. Species extinction has never been this big. In the field of plants, it concerns ancient forests, in the area of marine animals, on land insects and amphibians. The triggered and important factor for the potential damage is the availability of energy used, which basically is directly involved in the destruction. In this context, carbon footprint is the most critical issue related to the cryptocurrency mining industry.
Worldwide, around 1% of the world's total energy is consumed for cryptocurrency mining. The biggest problem for the mining industry may not even be its large energy consumption, but the fact that most cryptocurrency mining facilities are located in regions, especially in China, which rely heavily on coal-based power.

Our Iris Arc model has an innovative and disruptive model to successfully overcome environmental problems and other problems related to cryptocurrency mining. Some of our researchers now ward off environmental destruction and provide solutions in all fields. In the energy sector, this is the rediscovery of water as an energy source. It uses elements in the water itself, which ensures a clean and environmentally friendly energy supply.
Here, especially the limitations of the raw material itself are lifted. We now have the opportunity, to access this energy almost indefinitely technologically and methodically! In recent years, the availability of currencies has also changed as a result of limited availability and stock market orientation triggered by banks. Seeing new forms of money and currencies in a new context has brought cryptocurrency to the fore as a solution, creating new pathways.
However, it turns out, the system that produces the currency itself is limited by high energy costs. Here we have devised a solution that invalidates this limit. This is a by-product of structured water (hexagonal water) and split into hydrogen (now a medical device popular as molecularly dissolved hydrogen in water) and oxygen (in combination with Brown gas coveted by hydrogen for detoxification and welding technology, in emergency medicine as measure of respiratory disorders).
With the help of fuel cell technology developed by us, we can now drastically reduce the share of external electricity demand and thus the cost of external electricity. This leads to our concept to complement the fuel cell cryptocurrency server service and offer it to our customers in kind. To make this possible, we have created our own crypto currency - Iris Arc - ACI Coin - The Rainbow Currency.
Using Our Unique, Intelligent Mining Cloud Facility That Is Cost Effective And No Threat To Our Environment! Join Us Today And Start With The Power Of A Free Hash!
Industry Overview and Industrial Markets
cryptocurrency mining has been revolutionary and remarkable in its formation years since the launch of Bitcoin in 2009. As the mining industry moves into its maturity phase, its future looks bright and full of extraordinary developments. However, operating costs, especially energy consumption, are a key consideration for the entire cryptocurrency mining industry.
Why Choose the Iris Arc
- The latest and most advanced mining hardware
- The fastest mining hardware
- Low operating costs
- Low maintenance costs
- Cheaper hardware due to large scale purchases
- Nice user interface
- Alternative currency mining (Altcoin)
- Reliable and reliable mining partner
- The facility to transfer mining power to mine the cryptocurrency that is available with us, gives you the flexibility that is urgently needed to take advantage of emerging market opportunities.
- Downtime can be neglected because various technicians handle ongoing mining operations and resolve any issues instantly.
- An honest and transparent cloud mining service
- There are no heavy initial costs for cloud mining users who do not require large investments in setting up their own mining operations.
- Direct mining output even for new users who use cloud mining contracts, thanks to the hardware that is already running
- There is no loss for cloud mining users due to obsolete hardware.
- No need to hire a technician to take care of the hardware
- There are no hassles or problems associated with mining operations themselves such as heating, loud noise, etc.
- Responsive and fast customer service

active contribution to environmental protection
Fast and secure transactions worldwide
Used in several projects as the loyalty of
the fast growing community coins worldwide
To Be Use the payment system established
Arc Iris (ACI) Coin
Arc Iris (ACI) Coin is a cryptocurrency coin based on blockchain technology. ACI Coin is built on the blockchain platform owned by Arc Iris Development Inc. ACI Coin is based on the Scrypt POW algorithm. This makes ACI Coin more secure. ACI Con will be used as a loyalty coin. All contracts and reference prizes will be paid in ACI Coins. The Iris Arc allows people to invest profitably and get returns safely. With the value of ACI Coins based on fixed income from Arc Iris Development Inc. cryptocurrency mining operations, investors who buy ACI Coins will be protected at a more stable price.
ACI will be listed on the leading cryptocurrency exchanges that provide ACI Coins with high liquidity, and thus, benefit coin holders with a variety of uses. Decentralized coin exchange facilitates trading and exchange of financial instruments and currencies on the blockchain. ACI coins will be able to function as a currency for use on common cryptocurrency standards. ACI Coin complies with the latest cryptocurrency standards and works with all relevant applications and platforms.
Every digital currency wallet can hold ACI Coins. ACI Coin is easily exchanged with other cryptocurrency and ACI coin holders can exchange ACI coins with other currencies on various cryptocurrency exchanges. Coin Name Arc Iris Symbol ACI Type of Utility Amount of Supply 1000000000 Price of 1 ACI coin 0.1 USD Minimum Investment 100 USD Available for purchase with BTC, ETH Whitelist / KYC KYC ACI coins

ARC-IRIS Wallet is multi-decentralized a currency wallet for the community to offer smooth and hassle-free services.
Private keys are stored only with the user to ensure maximum security
ARC_IRIS supports a hierarchical determinant wallet equipped with 2 FA
Cryptocurrency security standards
Keeping private keys offline and online with the wallet watching only
ARC-IRS supports ACI, BTC, ETH, LTC, ZEC, all tokens ECR20 and continuously adding more ARC-IRIS
supporting paper wallets
ARC-IRIS wallet will be launched in January 2020
ARC-IRIS wallet is equipped with 500 ACI-Coins for the first 10,000
Initial Coin Offering (ICO)
We aim to collect 30 million USD. The purpose of raising funds is to start an integrated cryptocurrency mining facility. Arc Iris has a strong business model that is supported by efficient cryptocurrency mining operations with stable and visible future cash flows and profits. It was determined that up to 1 billion coins would be issued with a nominal price of $ 0.1 USD. Coin distribution is preferred by ordinary investors who are allocated 60% of ACI Coins through crowd sales.
The coin distribution details are as follows:


Token Information and Features
Besides the fact that ARC IRIS provides equipment for its users, the project will be available and will be a symbol of pain that users cannot simply buy project equipment. But you also have to pay for maintenance and have a number of advantages over those who don't have that kind of money in their wallet. As far as profits are concerned, the founders of ARC IRIS guarantee all these users a significant discount for the maintenance of an installation that holds some internal bitter coins in their wallets. In total, the developer plans to release 1 billion coins, only 60% will be available for public sales. The remainder of the initial value of $ 0.1 will be distributed as follows.
In short, I want to note the high-tech approach to current problems in our world. I love seeing people who want to make our world better, cleaner and more efficient. For this we developed extraordinary project ideas. as an initial stage of project development. However, if thousands of people believe in it, surely they can take the leading position among all mining equipment. As a result, all of their processes are far more economical and more efficient and are therefore ready to show an excellent level of profit.
Because of that, my best friend. Take a closer look at ARC IRIS. Maybe you will be an active participant. To make your actions and decisions clearer, I encourage you to explore the IRC ARC in more detail. To do this, at the end of my review, you will find all the resources needed for the project, which gather the most accurate and basic information about ARC IRIS. I'm glad I helped. Thank you for your attention and see you again!
Coin Name: Arciris
Symbol: ACI
Unit name:
● Hydrogen: 1 ACI = 1000 hydrogen
● Photons: 1 Hydrogen = 1000 photons
Coinbase Maturity: 5
Per gift block: 50
Max Amount: 10 000 000 000 *
COIN : 1 000 000 000 after 4 blocks Timestamp: 1568284206
Nounce: 2084951217
Default Port: 9789
Pch Message Identifier: 0x7b, 0xe9, 0xc5, 0xcb
Public Address Prefix: 23 (A)
DNSSeed: 174,138.27,171
:9789 Halving Effect: 840000, 4 years
Blocktime: 2.5 minutes
Retargettime: 3.5 days



Nicolas R.
Innovative and Grateful Project
"Environmental protection, high profits and opportunities for increasing ACI-Coins value that convinced me immediately and I invested in innovation and grateful projects. "

Elena B
Immediately implemented in many areas
"I believe that this great technology can be implemented immediately in many fields and I hope that everyone can immediately benefit from it. For me, there is no question whether I am investing in this project! "

Andreas S.
I believe in the success of the project
"I am happy with this technology and I feel happy when I can protect the environment while I create Cryptos through cloud-mining Arc-Iris."

Oliver K.
Frederik LundPenunjukan
Sergey Klimov
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